Bond Programs
Lori Johnson, Chief, Financial Assistance Division
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Piedmont Municipal Authority (Authority) received approval for a $22,650,000 Financial Assistance Program (FAP) loan Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve their water and wastewater infrastructure.
The Authority is undertaking critical water and wastewater infrastructure improvements to support the city’s rapid growth, with the population expected to increase by 162% in the next 25 years. The funds will be used for projects including constructing a secondary Oklahoma City water connection with a 600-gpm booster pump station and two miles of 16-inch waterline, building a new elevated storage tank, rehabilitating water wells,
and upgrading wastewater systems through sewer line repairs, a Wastewater Master Plan, and new lift stations and interceptor lines. These improvements will enhance service reliability, address current deficiencies, and prepare the community for sustainable development.
According to Lori Johnson, chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, the Authority’s customers will save an estimated $6,578,100 compared to traditional financing. The loan shall be secured with a lien on the revenues of the Authority’s Water, Sewer, and a 4 cents Sales Tax.